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Our first priority is to ensure all students feel school is an environment wherein they feel safe, happy, comfortable and cared for.  We believe that without this, no significant learning can happen.

Restorative Practice


"The essence of restorative practices is disarmingly simple: that human beings are happier, more productive and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them." -

At WEGC, we recognise that the most 'discipline' issues are the result of broken or damaged relationships, either in the relationship students have with one another, or those they have with their teachers.  The key to a happy, harmonious and productive environment is in recognising these relationships and seeking to repair them when they break down.



Ako Structure


Ako; reciprocal learning and teaching together.  In recognition of the importance of relationships, and the direct correlation between positive staff-student relationships and the increase in attendance and achievement of students, the school is organised in such a way as to focus on developing these relationships.

All full-time teachers have an Ako-Teacher responsibility; which means they are attached to a small group of students, and where possible stays with the group as they progress through each year level.  The attached to a small group of students; their Ako-class



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